about me

Welcome to the web site of Bob Ehrlich aka “Dr. Tachyon.” 

That’s me with my tachyonic (imaginary) physique.  As the end of my time on planet Earth nears I am an Emeritus Physics professor at George Mason University, having retired in 2013, after having served as department chair for 15 of the 36 years I spent at Mason.     I received a BS in Physics from Brooklyn College in 1959 and a Ph.D. in physics from Columbia University in 1964 under then future Nobel Laureate Jack Steinberger.  After a Post-Doc at the University of Pennsylvania I taught at Rutgers University and then SUNY New Paltz, where I served as physics department chair.  Most of my research has been in particle physics especially neutrinos, but I have also published in other areas, including renewable energy, nuclear weapons issues, climate change, and physics education. More details about my career can be found here.

Since 1999 I have sought to find evidence for the reality of faster-than-light particles or tachyons, having published over 20 refereed articles on the subject.  Contrary to the belief held by most physicists, a considerable amount of evidence has, in fact, been amassed that one of the neutrinos is a tachyon.  A book published in May 2022 “Hunting the Tachyon, and Finding Three Unicorns and a Herd of Elephants” (my 23rd) presents the evidence for the general reader.  In my spare time I am hopelessly addicted to the game of go.  Reload this page and you’ll see a game evolve before your eyes between two expert players.  They stop playing when white concludes his situation is hopeless.  You can find out more about this ancient game (probably played throughout the galaxy)  here.
